This is the official website of the National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI)

Entrepreneur Admission Elegibility

The following factors will be used to assess an Entrepreneur’s suitability for the admission into the TICs:

  • The enterprise must have a technology-based product or service with value addition.
  • The applicant must complete the application form for admission into pre-incubation programme.
  • The entrepreneur will agree to seek and accept assistance from the TIC technical assistance program and its network of service providers.
  • The entrepreneur should have adequate capital to provide for the initial take off of the business as indicated in the admission form.
  • The entrepreneur should have potential to create jobs or to survive and grow into a sustainable one.
  • The activities of the enterprise should be compatible with the TIC environment (i.e. it should be environmentally friendly).
  • The entrepreneur should be willing to support and promote the TIP concept.
  • The entrepreneur should be willing to conduct business in an open, collaborative and cooperative manner in the TIC, including regular submission of status reports to the Centre Management.

The Board retains the right to alter the above criteria when the need arises. Candidates should meet all of the above in order to qualify for admission into the TIC.


  • Payment of Five thousand Naira (N5000) non-refundable application fee.
  • Complete and return ten (10) copies of the pre-incubation application form.
  • The application will be vetted by the Centre Management and Admission Committee at the Board. The Board is the final authority on the decision of admission of an applicant.
  • Acknowledgement and acceptance of admission letter.


A. Pre-Incubation

The selection process of prospective entrepreneurs can be summarized as follows:

  • Distribute application form to the technical committee
  • Conduct interview with the technical committee members using the score sheet
  • Communicate the result of the interview along with the completed application form and the score sheet to the Board.
  • Communicate to the Centre the results of the review of their submission and report score sheet, which recommendation could be:
    • Admission into six months pre-incubation
    • Resubmission of application form to address some noted deficiencies in the report.
    • Rejection: no resubmission required.
  • Review with the entrepreneur the results of his application.
  • If admission was recommended and the entrepreneur accepts the conditions, have him/her sign the admission letter along with a witness within 5 days.

Please note that failure to submit the required monthly pre-incubation report will lead to the eviction of the entrepreneur from the Centre.

B. Three (3) years Incubation:

  • The entrepreneur must satisfy all the conditions for admission as outlined in 2 &3 (of the admission eligibility and requirement respectively of this document).
  • The entrepreneur must complete the six (6) months pre-incubation programme.
  • The entrepreneur must submit a business plan using the attached outlines to the Board.
  • Communicate to the Centre the results of the review of their submission and report score sheet, which recommendation could be:
    • Admission into three (3) years incubation programme
    • Rejection: no resubmission required.

Please note that the entrepreneur will not be allocated a unit until after pre-incubation programme.