Brief History About the Finance and Account Departments.


General Functions

Ensure compliance with Financial Regulations and Accounting Code/Manual by staff.

Organize and supervise finance and accounting functions.

Advice the Director-General, the Chief Accounting Officer, on financial matters as well

as the technical provisions of Financial Regulations, Treasury and Financial Circulars.

Maintain proper accounting records such as books of accounts, main and subsidiary


Ensure adequate control and management of the property, plant and equipment register

and reconcile the schedule thereto to the general ledger on monthly/quarterly basis.

Ensure the existence of effective and adequate internal control system to safeguard the

assets of the Board.

Ensure the preparation and updating of the information needed for the Medium Term

Revenue Framework (MTRF), Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and

Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS).

Compile and defend budget proposals and ensure effective budget control by

matching/comparing budgeted figures with actual expenditure or statutory collections

(revenues) as the case may be.

Liaise with the Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation when in doubt in the

interpretation of the provisions of Financial Regulations and Treasury Circulars.

Ensure the existence of an effective Audit Query Branch to promptly deal with queries

from the Internal Audit Unit, Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation, Office

of the Auditor-General for the Federation and Public Accounts Committee, etc.

Any other duties that may be assigned or required by the Director-General.

The Department has six units with their functions as follows:


  • Process recurrent and capital expenditure payments.

  • Maintain ledger accounts for various deductions.

  • Carry out monthly reconciliation of ledger accounts with general ledger balances.

  • Maintain vote books for overhead and capital expenditure.

  • Reconcile subsidiary accounts with the control balances in the general ledger.

  • Ensures proper accounting of Third Party deduction.

  • Ensuring that all payments are duly authorized and supported with relevant documents.

  • Ensures proper posting into the relevant books of account as well as ensuring effective Cash Management System 

  • Maintaining and updating Advances/Imprest Register and retirement.

  • Maintaining Payment Voucher Registers for Overhead and Capital expenditures. 

  • Any other duties that may be assigned.


  • Balance the general ledger and extract trial balance monthly/quarterly.

  • Prepare and present General Purpose Financial Statements monthly/quarterly.

  • Analyze, interpret and report General Purpose Financial Statement monthly/quarterly.

  • Ensure proper stock accounting.

  • Ensure proper maintenance of Property, Plant and Equipment Register

  • Reconcile bank accounts monthly/quarterly.

  • Any other duties that may be assigned.


  • Prepare the Medium Term Revenue Framework (MTRF) and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).

  • Prepare the Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS).

  • Ensure the preparation of Budget (Revenue, Recurrent and Capital expenditure).

  • Maintain budget books and records.

  • Ensures proper preparation of Budget Reports

  • Any other duties that may be assigned.


  • Prepare monthly staff payroll.

  • Ensure the existence of variation control on personnel emoluments.

  • Prepare monthly payroll journal and forward same to Financial and Fiscal Reporting Unit.

  • Maintain subsidiary ledger of payroll deductions.

  • Process approval for salaries, overhead and capital expenditures.

  • . Any other duties that may be assigned.


  • Identify funds sources accruable to the Board.

  • Provides information for Revenue Budget of the Board.

  • Maintaining and updating of data base of the MDA’s revenue generating assets in terms of their location, type and the nature of revenue each generates

  • Organize the revenue accounting functions in a manner that facilitates the keeping of complete and adequate financial/statistical records of revenue.

  • Ensure that revenue accruable to the Board are received and accounted for.

  • Compare budgetary appropriation with actual collection as well as analyze and report the variances quarterly.

  • Prepare and submit quarterly rendition of reports to the Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation as and when due.

  • Any other duties that may be assigned.


  • Maintains Cash Books for Personnel, Overhead and Capital expenditure

  • Reconciliation of balances in the Cash Books with that of the GIFMIS Payment platform

  • Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement on monthly basis.

  • Safeguarding of all Payment Vouchers for Overheads and Capital expenditure

  • Any other duties that may be assigned.

Mission and Vision
  • Vision

    The vision of the program is to pursue the commercialization of technologies and technical innovations using technology incubation as a tool in order to enhance the attainment of technological,industrial,social and economic competitiveness of the country and improve the quality of life of its citizens.

  • Mission

    To develop the necessary infrastructure for nurturing technology start-ups;to promote Nigeria’s indigenous potentials through value-added and technology-related activities;and to create enabling environment for effective linkage amongst technology providers,entreprenuers,capital and know how in order to accelerate the development of new enterprises.